Not Always

It’s not always that something poetic is going on in my mind and it’s also not still that I can frame those little electrical interactions in words. Most of the times I’m just lost in nothingness and letting my existence flow through the course of nature and exploring whatever falls on the way as well as neglecting what seems to be crucial.

It’s not always that I’m looking for something. Most of the times I just appreciate which already exists and how it blends beautifully with the surrounding without caring, just like the pumpkins who don’t want to be cherries and they are content. And the watermelons who don’t want to be mangoes. 

It’s not always that I want to be with someone. Most of the times I’m just searching my own reasons for everything and letting the creation works through me to bring out whatever it wants to be.

It’s not always that I talk to you because I’ve to say something. Most of the times I’m escaping from my hollowness to find a shelter in your words which can shield me from my devastating self and so that when I return I can have a different perspective if not a different view.

I don’t always walk because I’ve to reach somewhere. Most of the times I’m trying to get lost in the vast web of incidences so that I can end up with something new and get something which was never mine and can reach to an island within me which was still undiscovered. 

And I don’t always write because I’ve to convey something. Most of the times it’s about to remove the burden of nothingness so that I can fly freely and chase my own soul. 

2 Comments Add yours

  1. pravesh says:

    Sometimes silence makes the loudest noise…!! Isn't it?


  2. Vidushi Jaya says:

    and scribble makes the best pictures! 🙂


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