Living in the Locked World

The experience of living in a world corrupted by COVID and the realizations it’s leading to which was not very visible otherwise!

My Idea of a Nation

I don’t think nationalism was ever about hatred, exclusion, or xenophobia. In a critical time like this I thought of revisiting my thoughts and ideas about what a nation means to me.

The Imperfect Being

In a society demanding you to be perfect, have the courage to be the imperfect you!

Finding my Strength

Living away from home for the past six years changed the whole perspective of “home”. It became a place where I used to live. When I’d visit home for a week or so during semester breaks or festival holidays, then it would always mean a place to relax. The home was a place to savour…

The Retrospection- I

How do things change with time? You can only realise that by taking a walk to your memories down the lane and introspect and retrospect!