Late Night Thoughts 1

In the darkness of the night filled with white light of the lampposts and continuous murmur of the crickets, I find myself losing myself. As if the life isn’t mine and the experiences aren’t certainly mine. As the night progresses toward a new day, something is lost in me, a little bit of myself. Not…

Living in the Locked World

The experience of living in a world corrupted by COVID and the realizations it’s leading to which was not very visible otherwise!

My Idea of a Nation

I don’t think nationalism was ever about hatred, exclusion, or xenophobia. In a critical time like this I thought of revisiting my thoughts and ideas about what a nation means to me.

The Imperfect Being

In a society demanding you to be perfect, have the courage to be the imperfect you!

Finding my Strength

Living away from home for the past six years changed the whole perspective of “home”. It became a place where I used to live. When I’d visit home for a week or so during semester breaks or festival holidays, then it would always mean a place to relax. The home was a place to savour…

Do Humans Understand Each Other

On September 28, 2015, a Muslim man was accused of stealing and slaughtering a calf for Eid. A mob gathered and entered his house. The meat curry in his fridge was taken as proof of beef. He was dragged out and beaten with rods and bricks until he died. Beef is banned in many parts…

The Indian Parenting

Is Indian parenting flawless? What are the root problems which are giving rise to disappointed and helpless youths?

The Retrospection- I

How do things change with time? You can only realise that by taking a walk to your memories down the lane and introspect and retrospect!

Oh, Time!

A humble tribute to TIME for being generous, for healing through the ups and downs, for saving my footprints on its way to eternity!!

Makeup/No Makeup

It might seem easy to call someone beautiful or not so beautiful, but why are we even going on this track of standardizing beauty?

The Hope

Sometimes the hope has its own way of dealing with things!!

The Spirit of Sports

We have made the condition so terrible where one game flourishes with money and fame and others find it challenging to breathe!! Let’s make an attempt to make things even and let the sports be sports!

Dare to Shed

It is sad that sometimes we forget to appreciate and learn from the nature. You never know how a small thing can strike a sensible thought and make your day!


So, I always told myself that I don’t want to end up like you in the kitchen. I don’t ever want to be you. I was better than you. Always!

Done with Adulting!

When I was a kid, then adults had a significant impact on my life which I think must be true for most of us. Though a child I’d always fancy myself as an adult and try to copy and behave like one. It was also because being the eldest child and having two siblings automatically…

The Cup

my experience with the menstrual cup when i tried it for the first time.

A day… And a night too…

So I had a lazy start to my day, as usual, because I’m not the morning person. Gulping the BournVita milk and stuffing that delicious bread-jam-butter in my mouth and carrying my messy hairs which are in urgent need of some oil and comb were still happy in remaining intangled after finding the golden sunlight…

Over the Night

One midnight, In a café, sitting around table and sipping some coffee, Few memories sprouted, Which were lost in the hustle & bustle of something called LIFE. And over the night they flourished- Just how bamboos grow, First slowly and then all of a sudden, And got imprinted forever. As if it was just yesterday…


So I happened to watch Padmavat/i last night missing the super blood moon because sometimes earthly matters are more important than heavenly ones. Padmavat/i? Yeah! So that people can know clearly what is being talked about. After all, an “I” can make lots of difference, according to our revered Prime Minister. As the nation already…

Not Always

It’s not always that something poetic is going on in my mind and it’s also not still that I can frame those little electrical interactions in words. Most of the times I’m just lost in nothingness and letting my existence flow through the course of nature and exploring whatever falls on the way as well…


Not in the promises Of living and dying together, Not by holding hands And taking a long walk, Not by showering kisses On forehead, nose, and lips, Not in those balloons and roses, And in candle light dinners, But by making me laugh Till my ribs start aching, By having those intriguing conversations About things,…

Being A Gemini

I’m more like a paradox, Sweet and bitter together Sure and still unsure Sad and yet delighted Smart and of course stupid I lie on both sides of the rainbow, And I’m blue and red at the same time, I’m north and south poles of the earth And I’m ocean and desert at the same…

A Tuesday Night

The Sirius started twinkling, somewhere in the sky, And the Orion was still riding on the celestial equator. My soul started wandering for all what and why, And the Vega was smiling, wrapped in a cloudy sweater. A nebula peeped through the opened window, And seeing it the constellation started dancing. Stars were rising like the…


At times, maturity is so boring,Where I understand what you meanAnd you know what I want to say.I miss the collision and the fight,Where I misinterpret and you get angry,Where you freak out and I convince you,Where you bring roses from the garden,Hiding from your mother.And I gift you my precious stone,Rag-picked from the roadside.Where…