Living in the Locked World

The experience of living in a world corrupted by COVID and the realizations it’s leading to which was not very visible otherwise!

The Imperfect Being

In a society demanding you to be perfect, have the courage to be the imperfect you!

The Indian Parenting

Is Indian parenting flawless? What are the root problems which are giving rise to disappointed and helpless youths?

The Retrospection- I

How do things change with time? You can only realise that by taking a walk to your memories down the lane and introspect and retrospect!

Oh, Time!

A humble tribute to TIME for being generous, for healing through the ups and downs, for saving my footprints on its way to eternity!!

Makeup/No Makeup

It might seem easy to call someone beautiful or not so beautiful, but why are we even going on this track of standardizing beauty?

Dare to Shed

It is sad that sometimes we forget to appreciate and learn from the nature. You never know how a small thing can strike a sensible thought and make your day!

Being A Gemini

I’m more like a paradox, Sweet and bitter together Sure and still unsure Sad and yet delighted Smart and of course stupid I lie on both sides of the rainbow, And I’m blue and red at the same time, I’m north and south poles of the earth And I’m ocean and desert at the same…